Monday, May 5

Dyed Orchid Tablecloth Tutorial

Here's a pretty tabletop accent that will be the talk of your next spring party or shower! This dyed orchid tablecloth will get lots of oohs and ahhs, but the truth is, it's so easy to do with some Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye and a few simple supplies!

Watch our video below to see the entire process or scroll below!

What you need:
Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye kits in purple & violet
– White 100% natural fiber table runner or fabric
– Large pastry rack
– Disposable plastic tablecover
– Extra bottle for mixing

Before you begin: Lay down a plastic tablecover on your work surface, so you won't stain any areas with the dye.

Wash runner and leave damp. Lay out flat on covered work surface and smooth out wrinkles.
Loosely pleat runner horizontally.
Secure lightly with rubber bands.
Place pleated runner on pastry rack.
 Apply diluted violet along center of pleated runner.
Apply full strength violet to blend.
Apply diluted purple along center of pleated runner.
Apply full strength purple to blend,
 Let dry overnight. Rinse runner to remove excess dye. Wash and dry according to packaging instructions.
Here's an overview of how the table design turned out from top!
And a side view! It turned out to beautiful!