Tuesday, May 13

I Love To Create: Back Braided Tee.

I have seen so many braided back shirts this Spring 
I thought it would make a great DIY.
Adding your own little saying on the front of your shirt is just another way
 to make the shirt personal just for you.
You could wear it as a beach cover up or wear it with a tank and jeans. 
Check out how I made this braided back, Stencil Tee.
Things You Need

Contact Paper
X-acto Knife
Piece of Cardboard
Straight Pins,or Safety Pins
Needle and Thread
 Cut your collar in to a v shape,
for an off the shoulder look.
I used the program, Paint, on my computer
and typed The words that I wanted. Then printed them out,
covered them in contact paper,
and with an X-acto knife I cut the words out.
 Place the Stencil on the front of your shirt.
Put your cardboard in between your shirt.
Use your pouncer and pounce Tulip Gold Fabric Paint over the stencil,
Then while the paint is still wet sprinkle  Tulip Gold glitter all over the paint.
Carefully remove your stencil. 
Let dry completely before doing the next steps.
On the back of your shirt cut out a section that looks like the picture above.
 Then cut that section in half,
 cut the half piece into three strips,
And the other half into three strips.
 I repeated those steps all the way down
you can make as many braids as you want. 
I made five.
 You might have to tweek the length of the braids before sewing,
(* A great tip: Use safety pins and try the shirt on.)
Once you have made the adjustments you needed
 Sew the braids to the shirt with your needle and thread.

 I gathered the braids together in the middle 
and using a scrap piece of t-shirt, I tied the braids together.

I hope you all have a Wonderful Day.
Now go and Create.
For more T-Shirt DIY head on over to my Blog 
Lots of Love.

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