Thursday, January 14

D.I.Y. "Team Conan" T-Shirt!

DIY Team Conan Tee

Ever since I was a guest on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in 2005, I've had a bit of a soft spot in my heart for ol' Coney. Ok, I wasn't actually a guest, but I was still "on" his show. Ok, I wasn't actually on his show, but a magazine that I happened to be on the cover of was briefly held by him during the broadcast of an episode. The details aren't really important, are they?


The point is that I enjoy the Conan O'Brien; he's smart, funny and truly entertaining. All of those are reasons enough to support Coco during the NBC Late Night Debacle of '10 however, I also feel that as a fellow redhead who's married to another redhead that our house can't not take action while one of our people is being dissed with a capital "D". Enter the D.I.Y. "Team Conan" T-shirt. Make yours up, and wear it proudly. It's for the love of laughter, people. Laughter.

Plain T-shirt
Transfer Paper & Pencil
Conan Template (see below)
Masking Tape

  • Print out Conan Template (actual size can be find on Flickr here).

Conan Shirt Template

  • Slide cardboard into shirt and tape so that the front of shirt is taut.
  • Sandwich transfer paper face-down, between shirt front and template. Trace over template to transfer image to shirt.
  • Write "Team Conan" above the image.

  • Wear loudly and proudly.


Tawny said...

That is awesome! I gotta make one for my husband. He's been watching all the late night drama and rooting for Conan!

Tawny said...

I made it for my husband. Check out the pic here:

Awesome! Thanks so much. I love it.

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