Thursday, March 4

Designer of the Month – Marah Johnson!

designer of the month


We absolutely heart designers who have a passion for what they do and stay true to who they are! Marah Johnson is one such artist! Her work is like reading a love story or finding a thrifted treasure. The charm in her work is in all the color and added touches she weaves into her work! Marah is multi-layered, dabbling in all kinds of papercrafting, mixed media, and fashion accents. And she is incredibly marketing savvy as well, as evident in her super inspiring blog, "Randomly Speaking", a Facebook fan page that grows by the moment, a humorous and real Twitter page that gives you a better glimpse into the little moments of her life, and amazing designs that you'll drool over at Creative Imaginations. . We interviewed Marah and got to learn more about what's important to her and what her life is like as a teacher and artist below. Enjoy the interview and the wonderful photos she takes of her work!

What do you love to create?
Oh my goodness...what don't I love to create!?! Honestly I go through phases,sometimes I am in a jewelry making mood and make it for weeks...some times I am in the mood to make HUGE collages for my walls. What is a common theme in all that I do? purposing.

What is your favorite iLoveToCreate product?
This is an easy one! Aleene's® Tacky Glue®....for as far back as I can remember I have always had a bottle or 2 or 3 or 4 sitting in my studio. I also am a bit partial to Collage Pauge™, for all of my collage projects, mixed media canvases, etc.

On a typical day, when you lay down your head at night, what things are racing in your mind?
– what am I doing tomorrow
– where's my older girls
– email
– projects
– color palettes
– marketing strategies
– my personal life or lack there of sometimes ;-)
– travel plans
– willing things to happen
– the economy
– techniques

Can you tell us about an art mistake that turned into an awesome discovery?
Would it be weird if I say I cant remember a mistake that I have made...not that I haven't made them mind's just that I don't dwell on them...I cover 'em up and go on as if it was meant to be.

What artists/designers inspire you?
Betsey Johnson--Ever since I was a teenage I have been following her designs, artwork, crazy sense of style. I wanted to be her when I grew up...kinda funny I married a Johnson, and now we share the same last name. I love Roberto Cavalli -for his color palettes and crazy luxurious textures...any one who knows me knows I am all about texture. I pour over fashion magazines especially ones from Europe and am equally enthralled by interior design magazines.

What is your favorite part about being a teacher?
This is quite a question...with a very multi-faceted answer. There is the side of me that loves to get dirty, nothing better than hands full if ink paint and glue. I love the chance to brainstorm idea that I think might interest my students.

Then there's the side of me that likes guiding the most timid or perhaps new crafter through a project that seems complex ....but when broken down is easy to understand and no longer intimidating.

The biggest reward is what I learn from my students....they say a good teacher listens.

Do you have a favorite project?
Most projects are my favorite while I am working on them... then i am on to the next. How ever recently I made a wreath out of a vintage book of Shakespeare...took 500+ die cut flowers but well worth the finished piece

What would you call your style?
Edgy and gritty meets pretty.

What is the best part of being self-employed and the biggest challenge?
The best part is I am my own boss... I won't be firing myself anytime soon!....and my commute unless I am traveling is 13 steps down stairs. Gotta love that!

You are very savvy online on how you promote yourself and your classes. Do you have any advice for aspiring crafters who want to make a go at crafting full time?

I think there is something to the old saying that find your passion and money will follow...I translate that loosely and say make do and/or create what you do best. Then don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Post your work online, participate in message boards, network with others who have the creative vibe!!!! I spend at least 2 hours a day on either Twitter, my Facebook fan page, or Randomly Speaking, my blog, and doing things like this little post you are reading right now. Oh and remember....nothing happens overnight!

Is there any technique that you are dying to try?
I am dying to try my hand at looks like magic!

Thanks so much Marah for sharing a little piece of yourself with us! We love that you love to create as much as we do! If you would like to be the iLoveToCreate Blog Designer of the Month, send us an e-mail at and share with us links or attachments of your work using iLoveToCreate products! We are looking for artists of all kinds from ceramicists to Chicano art lovers and crafters who create in steampunk style!


Bonita Rose said...

I love marah's work.. met her once years ago at a CKU... loved her then and love her even more now!

Lisa - papergrace said...

Marah is amazing!! What a creative genius. I love her use of color and texture. I am foaming at the mouth (ha!) to take a class of hers. Wonderful interview.

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