Wednesday, May 5

Hands Made Modern

Hands Made Modern

With Mother's Day just a few days away I made myself a present--one that reflects both my personal style and the extreme pride I feel for the 3 amazing, little beings who inducted me into Club Mom. These painted & embroidered hand prints are made modern with the use of graphic print backings and transitional colors. It's a simple, clean project made (in part) with messy hands. Mama's, honor yourself with a little craft time this year by making your own kids' hands modern!

8"x10" Piece of of Graphic, Home Decor Fabric
Sponge Brushes
Embroidery Hoop & Needle
Embroidery Floss in colors: Black, Light Grey & Orange

  • Lay fabric on a flat surface. Use sponge brush to spread a layer of paint on the oldest child's hand; firmly press hand against fabric; lift hand straight off.
  • For subsequent kids' handprints, repeat the last step only layering print off-center from the previous one and using lighter shades of paint for each one. Let dry.
Note: If you're working with babies the print will likely be a blobby mess. Embrace it and let it go. As long as you get the general size of the hand, then the memory's captured and can be cleaned up with the next step.

My Children's Handprints: Ages 10, 8 and (almost) 1
  • Iron fabric if necessary; place in frame. Hang with pride.

Tip: Take a photo or scan finished piece into your computer. Make prints of your hand-y work for family members, or shrink it down to use as card fronts!


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