Wednesday, May 12

Virtual Exhibit: Craft Corps Art Piece Call for Submissions!


Over the past few days I worked on making a fabric collage in honor of Craft Corps and all of the amazing people I've gotten to chat with (for the book) or read about (on the website). I knew the focal point would be the call-to-action, stenciled logo to represent the project itself but I wanted to overall piece to reflect at least a little of my story in creating Craft Corps. Included in my collage are sewn, stenciled, embroidered, painted, printed, crocheted and pieced bits--all little nods to those who've shared a glimpse of themselves within the book's pages.


As I finished, I got to thinking. How would any of the 2200+ Facebook Fans, the 300 crafters on the website or the more than 90 creative beings featured in the book tell their own "Craft Corps Story" via the one thing that all bonds us together: craft. I decided that I'd really like to find out!

Make Your Own Art Piece!
So, my crafty compadres, I implore you to join me in participating in the Craft Corps Virtual Exhibit! Following the guidelines below and using I Love to Create's Craft Corps stencil kit and ANY other materials you choose to work with--wood, paper, fabric, yarn, beads, clay, whatever--make an art piece that reflects your creative passion. It doesn't have to be perfect; it just has to be you.


  • Pieces can be made out of any medium that suits you as long as they fit within the guidlines outlined below.
  • E-mail a photo of your finished Craft Corps piece to by August 1, 2010.
  • I'll create a Virtual Exhibit via photo gallery of everyone's submissions to share with the public, debuting later in August!
  • The public will be invited to vote on the pieces, via web poll.
  • The winners will recieve one of the prizes below.

Craft Corps Stencil Kits--Available for $5 in 6, color combinations!
  • Piece must not be larger than 24" high or wide.
  • Piece must be able to be hung on a wall.
Grand Prize:
$200 worth of craft supplies (courtesy of I Love to Create), craft books (courtesy of Lark Books) and yarn (courtesy of

Runners Up Prize:
Two more people will win a signed copy of Craft Corps: Celebrating the Craft Community One Story at a Time along with their choice of one of the following:
All entries will recieve a "Proud Craft Corps Member" button, be featured over the coming months on the Craft Corps website AND be elligiable to have their piece shown at a future, live exhibit (details TBA)!

Even if you don't consider yourself an artist, I hope you'll consider creating something for the exhibit. All you need is a little craftiness and the Craft Corps spirit, to be a part of a collective statement on creativity, community and general kick-arsness (the latter because I was getting too sentimental for my own comfort level ;-)).

So go on now; grab yourself a stencil and get to it! I look forward to seeing (and sharing) your submissions.

Good luck and have fun, you talented people, you!


P.S. Looking for inspiration? Read the stories influential designers & everyday crafters in Craft Corps, the book!

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