Tuesday, March 25

How to Stamp a Circle Shirt using Fabric Paint

Hey everyone, Tanner Bell here! I'm so excited to be joining the iLovetoCreate blog team. It's going to be so much fun. Today I am sharing with you a video tutorial of how to recycle items around your home to make a fun DIY Circle Pattern Shirt. Start gathering pencils and toilet paper rolls now, because you'll be using them as stamps in this project! 
What You'll need : 
•Toilet Paper roll 

I hope you all enjoyed the DIY recycled craft. I loved how it turned out and can't believe it was made that easy. It's crazy all the things we throw away that we could use for other things. Let me know in the comments one thing you love to recycle and craft with! See you back here next time. Be sure to connect with me on my blog, A Little Craft In Your Day, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!