A while back I was watching an episode of my friend Wendy Russell's TV show, She's Crafty, in which she wore the most adorable pin cushion ring. I had to have one! They're easy to make, super handy to have and offer yet another way for us to accessorize. For me, that's a trifecta of happy!
I got all fancy and used an adjustable ring blank (there are definite advantages to living a mile away from a jewelry designer--thanks Jennifer, for hooking me up!) to make this one, but a beer bottle cap & elastic would work, too. Either way the steps are simple: just cut, stitch, stuff & glue--enjoy!
Fabric Scrap
Small Handful of Stuffing
Ring Blank (with channel)
Needle & Thread
- Cut an oval of fabric, approximately 4-5 times the size of the ring blank channel.
- With a needle and thread, sew a long running stitch around the fabric piece, about 1/4" in from the edge.
- Pull thread so fabric gathers to create a cup shape; add stuffing; pull thread again to close hole. Stitch shut to create cushion.
- Spread a generous layer of Liquid Fusion in the ring blank channel; insert cushion. Use clothespins to keep cushion in place until glue dries.
- Remove clothespins; wear the ring; get sewing on your next project!
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