Friday, September 14

Quote for the Week: Creativity sets me free

Do you get into a happy place when you craft? Tell us about how crafts soothe your soul and get you in your zone below in the comments.


JoJo said...

It's very meditative for me to be in the zone, making something, even if I get halfway thru my project and decide I have to start over. I don't even like having music or the TV on...just nice and quiet, I get lost in my thoughts.

ifrog crafter said...

We live in a small duplex with a bonus room upstairs. That's where my studio is. I LOVE going up there, not only to create, but it's also a way for me to shut the world outside. Every time i sit down up there to work, i think "ahhhhhh".

Dawnll said...

Once I start touching my markers,paints,paper...I get in to my zone and find several hours later it is time to go to bed, or make
I could craft for days,it gives me such pleasure

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Chris said...

I totally agree that creativity sets me free! It's something that I find myself turning to when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stuck in a rut. It's amazing how much creativity can help us to find new solutions and ways of looking at the world. I especially appreciate the creativity of the srd00f1 seagate hard drives, which provides reliable storage for my creative projects.

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Charlie Johnson said...

Creativity sets me free perfectly captures the spirit of building and flying remote control airplane. Crafting a model from scratch or modifying an existing design allows me to unleash my imagination, problem-solve, and innovate—creating something that truly feels like my own. When my plane takes flight, it’s not just a machine in the air; it’s a reflection of my creativity and effort, soaring freely. There's nothing quite like watching your ideas come to life and take flight!

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