I discovered shibori completely by accident. I was browsing a department store and saw a fun shirt with a really interesting pattern and was told that the method used was probably shibori. So I did some searching and found that it's an ancient Japanese resist method that basically involves scrunching, twisting, folding and/or mashing a fabric and then dying it. There are several ways to do it and the results, as with any tie dye, are different every time.
What you need:
Teal and Lime from Tulip ® One-Step Tie Dye ® Mini Kits (Festival)
White tee
PVC pipe - 24" (long) x 4" (diameter)
3 rubber bands (included in kit)
Gloves (included in kit)
Spray bottle with water
Plastic wrap
One shibori method is to wrap fabric around a cylindrical object. For this particular design my pipe was 4-inches in diameter, a pretty big tube. The amount of resist on your tee will depend on how many times the garment wraps around the tube as the fabric that's touching the tube will receive less dye than the fabric that's on the outside. I'll also show you a design using a smaller tube at the end of this tutorial.
Note: The PVC pipe I used cost me less than $10 and I can use it over and over again.
Place your tee face down on the table. Place the PVC pipe at the top of your shirt and roll the shirt around the pipe so that the neckline disappears inside. The final fabric to wrap should be the bottom of the tee.
Place a rubber band around each end of the pipe/tee and one in the middle. This is not for resist purposes, it's just to help hold the garment in place.
Tie the twine to one end of the pipe/tee. Wrap the twine all the way around the shirt and tie off at the end. Scrunch the tee as much as you can, pushing as much of the tee toward the center of the pipe as you can. Because the twine is tight, this can be a bit challenging, so another option is to scrunch the shirt first and then wrap (which I will demonstrate in the tutorial for the yellow shirt at the end of this post). Just be sure that the twine is tight. Mist the shirt with water in a spray bottle and dab with a towel. You want the shirt damp, not dripping.
Mix the Teal and Lime dyes (add water and shake). Begin with teal, squeezing some dye onto the end of the tee, then skipping an inch or so, dying again, skipping, dyeing, until you reach the end of the tee. Fill in the white gaps with the lime dye.
Wrap the pipe/tee in plastic wrap to hold in the moisture and allow it to sit for 6 hours. Run the pipe under cool water to remove much of the dye. Carefully cut away the rubber bands and the end of the twine. Unwrap the twine and rinse tee completely. Follow instructions on the package for laundering.
As you can see, the neckline of the tee resisted more of the dye than the bottom half of the tee. The neckline was rolled inside first, so there were more layers on top of the neckline and the bottom half of the tee remained on the outside of the pipe.
I love the way both of these came out! Would you like to know how I made the other one? Head over to my tutorial for this Sunshine Ombre Shibori Tie Dye Top on my blog.
Project created by Amanda Formaro for I Love to Create. Amanda is a well-known craft expert and author of the books "Rubber Band Mania" and "Duct Tape Mania", the first two in a series of craft books for kids. She has been writing and crafting on the Internet for over fifteen years. Find out more on her blog, Crafts by Amanda, where she shares tutorials with step-by-step photos for adults and kids alike. |
Head over to our TIE DYE YOUR SUMMER site for even more inspiration, how-to's, and fun videos to get you mega-inspired for some DIY summer fun!
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Thanks, so glad you like it! Have fun!
Love your projects!
Wow, these look great!
Thanks so much Pam!
Really appreciate that Lisa, thank you!
that is awesome and looks so easy I might try that with my school readiness children
I love tie dye! It just so happens that I was looking at the kits at Walmart and wondering how hard they would be! Your crafty post gave me a place to start in my mind! Thanks! I'm glad I recently found your site and signed up!!!
Just found your website. It is great to learn more on DIY! Love tie-dye.
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At first, you need to set up the Roku device, and that the Roku link code comes up on the screen. Link the HDMI cable to the device and the TV port. Attach the power cable to the device and power it up. Make sure to perform the on screen setup process by following the prompts. Then, link the Roku device to the Wireless network and update the device to its latest version. Once after that, the link code will be on the screen. Make a note of the code and open a browser on the computer. Now, input the Roku.com/link/activation site address in the URL bar. After that, input the activation code in to the text box provided in the text box. Then, sign in with the Roku account using the credentials. If you don’t have an account, then make sure to create one. Finally, click Activate to initiate the process. Then, you can download and install the channel from the Roku channel store and start with the streaming process.
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Over the past several years the confectionery industry in world has experienced significant growth, rising at an average annual rate more than five percent annually. Rise in demand from end use sectors such as food & beverages, pharmaceutical industry would spur the demand for cellulose gel market over the forecast period.
Arlo, a name that stands class apart when it comes to the latest security cameras. It has got an abundance of features to make your home security more smarter. To access them and configure your camera accordingly, one needs to do Arlo sign in, in order to make best use of the Arlo camera. To know more about it, you can simply download the app and log in to Arlo camera with the use of a simple login panel that appears right after the app installation. To help you understand more of it, here is a guide briefing Arlo Log in. Read helpful information related to Arlo camera login procedure and access your account in seconds only.
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Make use of the below steps to setup Roku Premiere:
At first, link the HDMI cable to the go.roku.com/premiere and the other end to the TV’s port.
Fix the power cord to the Roku device and power it up.
Choose the HDMI input and select the language.
Then, carry on with the on-screen set up process by following the guidelines.
Next, connect the device to the wireless network.
Secondly, the device searches for the networks and gives you a list.
Moreover, choose yours and input the password.
After its connection, the Roku device updates to the latest version.
And then, the link code will appear on the screen.
Note this code, visit the Roku com link and start with the activation.
Want to know more detail regarding go.roku.com/premiere or how to set it up? Then feel free to contact our customer expert team by dialing the toll-free number +1-844-740-1130.
If you would like to learn Roku.com/link activation steps, here we explain the process in detail. Collecting the necessary hardware is the first step. If this step is complete, you can start creating a Roku account. Sign in to the account, find the activation code, and provide the code by visiting the page, Roku.com/link.
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