Wednesday, January 19


I only have FOUR months of high school left in my whole entire life.  I'm excited, but I'm also really sad at the thought of not seeing my friends every day. The football games and the chorus and band concerts, etc.

I've really tried to get in the school spirit this year. I'm on Link Crew (we help incoming freshmen), I'm Orchestra president, I'm in the school musical and I've been wearing our school colors as much as possible!

My best friend is the newspaper editor and I wanted to make her and her teacher some fun bangle bracelets in our school colors. I ended  up making one for me too!

 First you need some blank wood bracelets from the craft store, paintbrushes, Crafty Chica® paints, Collage Pauge® Instant Decoupage, Aleene's® Spray Acrylic Sealer™.

Paint the inside and outside of the bracelets. I cut out the masthead from our school newspaper and decoupaged it around the surface. Also cover the outside to seal it in. Use the paints and some glitter to add details like stars or whatever the theme is of your school.

For the second bracelet, I added painted stars and on the third I wrote "Class of 2011." Let them dry outside and then spray them with the acrylic sealer. I used the super glossy. You can also use the Collage Pauge.

Can I just say this already make me want to cry? I'm going to miss high school so much!!!

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