Tulip Color Shot Fabric paint is like spray paint for fabric.
an easy to use. It has quickly become one of my very favorite products
when I do any kind of painting on material (and I do a lot of T-shirt
DIY's )
This shirt idea came after my family and I took a trip to Epcot this past week.
Pairs is my favorite place to wonder around. Sometime I just sit in the gardens and watch people.
I have never been to Pairs, hopefully that will be a place I see someday soon.
Things you need.
Stencil( I found one on the internet and printed it out)
Contact paper
Scissors* if you want to cut your collar off
Cutting board
Piece of cardboard
Paper Towels
Cut the stencil out on a cutting board
Flip the stencil over so that it is backwards on top of the contact paper.
You want this backwards because when you flip it over it will be right.
The sticky side is going down on the shirt.
Trace the stencil
Place a piece of cardboard between the shirt.
Peal off the contact paper and place the stencil down centered on the shirt
pressing all the corners and edges down.
Place paper towels around the outside of the shirt
I taped mine down so that they do not fly off.
This protects the shirt from over spray
Spray the shirt using a sweeping motion.
You want build the color, careful not linger to long in one place.
Wait about 5 to 10 minutes before peeling off the contact paper.
Tip *Blot off any of the excess paint from the stencil before it is removed.
You should get crisp clean edges.
Take a few crystals
Glue down some crystals for a little extra sparkle
One pretty crystal on top of the Eiffel Tower.
Let dry 48 hours before washing
Wash in cold water hang dry.
I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday
doing whatever you love to do.
Lots of love to you all.
For more of my DIY
you can Visit my BLog
or I am also on
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»I want to build the color of my t-shirt. This post is very useful for me. Thank you!
nice info... thanks for sharing.
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