Undyed Wool & Customized Dye Kit Supplies

Chunky, Undyed Wool (approx 100 yds/110m)
Rubber Gloves
Mild Shampoo or Yarn Wash
Junky Towel
Size US 11 (8mm), Circular Needle
Tapestry Needle
Large Button
Needle & Thread
How-To Custom Dye
- Flip through the Custom Dye Kit "Color Recipes" booklet. Choose your color from the palette--I went with a purple-grey called, "Horizon".

- Following the recipe for your chosen color, mix dye with 1 gallon of hot water & 3 Tbs of salt in the sink or a large pot.
- Immerse yarn in dye bath. Gently stir, continuously (taking care not to agitate so much, that the yarn felts) for 15 minutes, then occasionally every 5-10 minutes for the next 45 minutes.
- Remove yarn from dye bath and rinse with cool water & gentle soap. Make sure not agitate while washing!
- Roll yarn in towel, removing excess water. Place on hanger; let dry.
- Wind into ball.
"Horizon", Hand-dyed Wool
CowlKerchief Directions
Cast-on 3 sts. Knit all sts.
Next Row (RS): Kf&B (knit in the front and back of stitch), knit to last st, Kf&b. (5 sts)
Next Row: Knit all sts.
Repeat last 2 rows, increasing at each end on every RS row, until you have 67 sts.
BO. Weave in ends.
Sew button onto one tip of triangle. On the opposite side, pickup a stitch and crochet a chain that's long enough to go around button. Attach chain to tip to form loop.
Happy dyeing; happy knitting!
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